Mar 26, 2015 - Sale 2377

Sale 2377 - Lot 152

Estimate: $ 2,500 - $ 3,500
(NARRATIVES.) [BROWN, JOHN, JR.] Recollections and Experiences of an Abolitionist; from 1855 to 1865, by Dr. Alexander Milton Ross. Engraved frontispiece, and portrait of the author. presentation on the verso of the portrait. Toronto: Rowsell and Hutchinson, 1876

Additional Details

second edition. a lovely copy of a scarce book with a fine association: 'Presented to John Brown Jr. with the Author's affectionate regards, Toronto, April 2, 1878." Ross (1832-1897) was imprisoned numerous times for inciting and aiding slaves to escape, consulting on many occasions with John Brown. This second edition contains additional material not in the first, including letters of commendation from Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Greenleaf Whittier, Lydia Maria Child, Gerrit Smith, and Wendell Phillips, among others.